And speaking of blood, mosquitoes showed up for
their evening take if we’d give it. Sheriff looked for me to be insulted or
provoked and unlike the bugs, I didn’t bite. Grabbing wood from the small pile
nearby, I fueled both literal and figurative fires.
I stepped away far enough to grab a few handfuls of
cedar leaves. I tossed some on the fire and it crackled, hissed, and smoked
away the blood suckers. Taking no chances, I got the bug dope ready and was
glad Clay remembered it.
“Gonna be getting dark in a couple hours Sheriff.
You want some of this bug repellant or are you going with the traditional
stuff? Oh, that’s right, our ancestors, if here right now, wouldn’t think of
using this. They’d be traditional.”
Sheriff glared at me and tensed up at my sarcasm but
I kept on.
“Now what did their magic medicine for mosquitoes
consist of? That’s right; they slapped the dammed things, covered themselves in
mud, or stood next to smudge fires. Yup, then they died of lung cancer or
consumption at age 30.”
“Half breed, only a half breed making fun of his
heritage, right Migizi?”
“So we’re back on this again. Good, let’s discuss
the shit out of this thing if you’re up for it Sheriff.”
“Bring it Apple,” said Clay under the influence.
I thought this persona, Sheriff, would have gone all
culture-cop on me for using cedar the way I had. No, he went after the blood
quantum issue, a favorite among traditionalists.
“So Sheriff, you are among those who attempt logic
with regard to making a case against mixed ethnicity. You attempt it and fail
because of flawed logic and reason. You think and believe Native heritage is
literally captured in the blood and diluted by mixing with another ethnic
“Yes,” said Sheriff, “but about flawed…”
I cut him off and jumped in. Tossing more cedar on
the fire, I forced it to flare.
“Bullshit. Apart from physical features attained via
genes, you peel the skin off and put the blood in a bowl, human is human and blood
only blood, red at that. Oh-oh, I guess that makes all humanity Native.”
on Clay, shift dam it.”
Despite my facetiousness he sat there silent and
made fists so I pursued from a different angle.
“Admit it Sheriff, we’ve both known so-called 100%
natives who lacked the heart and spirit and non-native folk who exemplified the
culture more through their actions. And another thing, I’m damned tired of the
blatant hypocrisy of you traditional types.”
Clay’s posture changed slightly, he relaxed his
hands and spine somewhat, so, I went on to finish my rant.
“Sure, wear your hair long, wear the jewelry, do the
ceremonies, Pow-Wow, learn the language, and preach a return to the old ways as
the save-all solution for all that ails us. Prideful, you condemn and ridicule
others like me who have adapted and there you are, driving your cars, using
high-end cell phones, buying smokes, alcohol, and dope. Bullshit I say and back
the hell off if you can’t live the life as a purest. Those who try so hard to
appear native aren’t, not in heart and spirit anyway.”
“Strong words Migizi,” said Sheriff, still
controlling Clay. “I guess being half-breed has forced your hand maybe.”
Surprised that he backed off, I followed suit.
“Yup, if you only knew the half of it Sheriff, get
Lightening the tension further, I busted out
laughing and Sheriff chuckled at my pun. Stopping mid-chuckle, Clay’s eye’s
iced over.
Craps! Roll the dice.
Copyright ©
2015 Migizi M. New Song. All Rights Reserved.
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